trina_p's Articles In Home & Family » Page 5
August 17, 2004 by trina_p
Dear Mig - Today I put Elana on my lap and opened up a notepad for her - she wasn't much interested in blogging today so it's just a short message - she assures me YOU know what she's trying to say... m jf,gclglrfoih fgvh vgfxzxccx thgrbh ytbrthvm87ighjv b bnff edto;jfjtjfgr;bhtjfr;jmjn htntnrtey67kngyrtbk, l;/;hgnjhmkj,..jhhgmhrbtg khknv hhun mklk;l t e
August 12, 2004 by trina_p
Well I'm glad you asked -- Currently she's sleeping -- it's almost 10:30pm so she'd want to be right -- she goes to bed at 7pm and we get her up at 7am -- I think she actually wakes up around 5am but if she doesn she doesn't cry out for us or anything just plays quietly in her cot. A friend who hasn't seen us in a while asked me how she was tonight and I made a list [7:52:32 PM] hows your little one [7:53:21 PM] She's great - she's asleep [7:53:39 PM] she's so big now - 8months ...
August 12, 2004 by trina_p
I just went to the mailbox and I got a postcard - it was very exciting and I read it and it's from Karen (dharma) She's got good handwriting -- she writes in capitals like I do. It's a picture of Mt Rushmore -- which I'd only ever seen on TV - it's pretty cool Thanks Dharma I'll have to return the favour - I think even I could manage THAT much
August 9, 2004 by trina_p
There's ALOT of crap going on in the world today - some of it is a bit closer to my own home then other things - example Jess but then the clock strikes 3:30pm and you turn on the TV and you watch the reaction on the face of the little girl who just discovered her favourite tv show is on. Elana was pretty grumpy before I turned the tv on but then the unmistakable happiness and colour that is HI-5 came out of our tv and all was quiet - Elana has spent the last 20minutes slowly edging h...
August 2, 2004 by trina_p
We were all sick last week -- Elana was infront with just a sniffly nose, I was about 8 hours ahead of Nick - but he didn't seem to have it as bad as me and he got better first. Yesterday (Monday) was Nick's 21st Birthday -- he woke me up at 5am. We (Elana & I) bought him the Spiderman 2 game for Xbox with a Spiderman hand controller thingie, 2 Dan Brown books (Digital Fortress and Deception Point) and 2 Monty Python DVDs (Holy Grail & And Now for Something Comepletely Different.) We ha...
July 29, 2004 by trina_p
The dreaded lurgie has attacked us all - even Nick. Last night Nick got home late and within 5 minutes of him being home I'd fallen asleep on the couch. Elana has been sniffly and snuffly all week and I was a bit sinusy - well it hit me in a big way about 6pm last night - I had a hot steamy shower and went to bed at 9pm with a roll of toilet paper for my mose -- but couldn't sleep -- eventually I remembered we had Vicks so I got Nick to rub some into my chest & back and I felt heaps better...
July 21, 2004 by trina_p
I don't know what I want to write, I just wanted to write something to let Emma & Shawn know we're thinking of them when they log onto JU next. Last night I asked Ashlee how Alysia and her parents were and she said that the doctors don't like her chances. It has occured to be in the last couple of days that today (in US) and yesterday (in Aus) is the 21st - that Alysia Leah is one month old. It seems like so much longer ago that Emma first wrote asking for help with baby names and stuff. ...
July 20, 2004 by trina_p
*sigh* my happy little baby is not so happy and not so little anymore. Nick discovered last night that she is infact cutting a tooth on her top gum - poor little girl - she's actually alot better then I was expecting - it's like the caml before the storm. She's stopped eating solids altogether she's just not even interested in opening her mouth but shes having all the milk from her bottles - and she's chewing EVERYTHING. Every so often she'll start yelling or burst into tears and be tota...
July 12, 2004 by trina_p
I'm exhausted. I actually haven't done anything much today - no more or less then usual but I'm feeling really drained. See Elana has been really weird about eating the last couple of days - I think it was ... actually I don't know what day it was and it doesn't really matter but I changed her pattern from 5 bottles of 180ml and 2 feeds of solids to 4 bottles of 240ml and 2 feeds of solids It worked really well for a couple of days and then she just stopped she'd eat about 50-70mls fr...
July 12, 2004 by trina_p
Last Thursday I was talking to Nick on msn while surfing Joeuser and I read Muggaz's Michael Moore article almost as soon as it popped up in the recent articles section and I told Nick to read it and tell me how I felt about it - because I couldn't aryiculate a political discussion - he told me but I couldn't even articulate what HE was saying - so then he posted as himself and while he didn't say much or anything that I thought I wanted to say but couldn't and didn't articulate - it gave me ...
July 5, 2004 by trina_p
I really had to get the washing off the line and I was planning of grabbing it after Elana went down for asleep - but I just looked out the window and it looks like rain. So I turned the TV on and hoped Elana wouldn't bop too far off her mat and I ran downstairs. Grabbed the washing and ran back up - she hadn't moved she was staring intently at Nathan, Kelly, Tim, Charlie & Kathleen dancing on the spot and yelling at the TV.
June 30, 2004 by trina_p
Currently Elana is sitting on her mat playing with the various toys (ie picking them up shaking them and putting them back down and picking up something else)- I just looked up and she was sucking her thumb - nothing unusal about that - however she had her thumb through one of the buttonholes of her jacket and she was sucking her thumb. She had me in hysterics. But then she often does - like when she was trying to control the tv with the xbox controller. Or when she accidently changed the...
June 23, 2004 by trina_p
Okay my 6month old Elana intimidates me and here's why she's a BOTTOM SHUFFLER She's just discovered in the last few days that the bobbing up and down on the spot we used to think was dancing can actually get her around - she's fast too she could be on the other side of the room in a few minutes. We haven't bought a high-chair - we got given one befroe she was born but somewhere in that time andd when we moved and when we wanted to start Elana on solids the straps for said chair ha...
June 16, 2004 by trina_p
I'm going to sound like a bad mummy here and lose all crediabilty BUT Elana has been able to hold her bottle herself for very small periods of time before she gets bored and gives up for over 3months - even as a newborn she'd place her fists either side of the bottle to "hold" it. Anyway I was feeding her and a really really had to pee so i lay her down on the mat - no I didn't prop her or the bottle up -- put the bottle in her mouth she clasped her hands around it to hold it up and ke...
June 11, 2004 by trina_p
Elana's been crawling backwards all day today -- unintentially -- she's actually trying to move forward towards the toys but somewhat humorously she's getting further and further away from them -- actually she's making it to them slowly by going around the mat - but backwards -- it's VERY funny to watch. Anyway I put her down on the mat before - on her tummy but she wasn't happy so I rolled her onto her back and put her head on a cushion - about 10minutes later I looked over and she was of...