Published on July 29, 2004 By trina_p In Home & Family
The dreaded lurgie has attacked us all - even Nick.

Last night Nick got home late and within 5 minutes of him being home I'd fallen asleep on the couch. Elana has been sniffly and snuffly all week and I was a bit sinusy - well it hit me in a big way about 6pm last night - I had a hot steamy shower and went to bed at 9pm with a roll of toilet paper for my mose -- but couldn't sleep -- eventually I remembered we had Vicks so I got Nick to rub some into my chest & back and I felt heaps better but my sleep pattern was totally out the window -- You know that place where you know you're in bed and your eyes are closed but you know!!!! that you're not really asleep?
I was there all night - so was Nick we found out at about 4am -- when Elana woke up -- and she didn't go back to sleep either,

We've all been awake and snuffly and coughing and sneezing and yuck since 4am

Nick's off work and Elana is in her cot after sleeping for 10minutes and playing for 45 - shes currently turning the musical aquarium on and off and on again -- I think she's using her feet.

Oi...I'm so tired....

on Jul 31, 2004

oh trina ! oh no !. not you guys as well !

i read in your comment that nick had stayed home, and i was hoping that elana didn't catch it. you poor kiddies !. make sure you all stay home for the weekend and rug up warm.

with a roll of toilet paper for my mose

that's so cute. it's only a little typo (because you were tired), but it sounds like how the word "nose" sounds if you say it when you're all clogged up. it sounds so sweet "toilet paper for my mose"awwww.

feel better soon family !

mig XX

on Aug 02, 2004
Aww I'm so sorry to hear you're poorly. It sucks feeling like that. Hope you all get better soon *hugz*
on Aug 03, 2004
poorly.. that's so cute! sally, come over to australia and talk britishly near me!