trina_p's Articles In Home & Family » Page 6
June 2, 2004 by trina_p
Jamie Burnside said in one of his posts that his baby Kenny is transfixed by the American Idol themesong - well for ours (among others) its Wheel of Fortune - the whole show. Elana has always liked the tv (Nick refers to it as her brother) since she was a few days old and she was watching the cricket. I'm not kidding - one day we were over at Kim & Val's and Elana was crying she was about 2weeks? anyway Val turned on the tv because I told her Elana likes cricket and she noticed and stopped...
June 2, 2004 by trina_p
The days and weeks (and months) are flying by. My baby (there's a new pic of her on waynes pic site)will be 6months old on the 6th which is SUNDAY. It's mind blowing. And she's growing up so fast - she's been having rice cereal for almost 2 weeks now (we started her Saturday week ago (22)) and she's moved on from those first "oh this is disgusting why are you making me eat this" faces, to "i still don't think much of this but I'll humor you" to "you think I'm eating this but really I'm jus...
May 25, 2004 by trina_p
It's not necessarily a bad thing and I'm sure we all do it about something - but I realised this afternoon while talking on MSN to a friend that I've become one of those mums incapable of holding a conversation without mentioning Elana. Wayne - Less than you think is more than you imagined ? says: and if someone else sends me a message, it makes that the active window and i continue typing, looking at my fingers trina says: (my baby doesnt want to sleep - shes crying and making sounds l...
May 24, 2004 by trina_p
The mush they ate on the Nebuchadnezzar in "the Matrix" was actually in fact Farex rice cereal - it had to be - gee no wonder Elana hates it - I'm convinced - she's okay with the texture cause just to test i made it the same consistency as her milk using her milk and she still hated it. I have a friend who didn't use rice cereal but mushed up milk arrowroot biscuits with water -- what's the general concesus on this.??????????? Anotther suggestion I've been given was to put a tiny bit of ap...
May 24, 2004 by trina_p
good thing I was only a little bit worried - nothing happened Nick just asked for some time off at one company to do work for another company (he's a software consultant on lotus notes) and his boss said take today not tomorrow - so its all good.
May 23, 2004 by trina_p
About half an hour ago (or less) I called Nick on his mobile to make sure it was okay with him if my dad picked us up on his way through from work and take us to dinner instead of us walking to the resturaunt. Then like 5 minutes ago he calls and asks me if I'm going out this afternoon - I say no he says okay I'll be home in about 45minutes - I say okay I love you hang up and go to take the rubbish to the bin and as I'm bringing the bin in off the kerb it suddenly strikes me as odd that Ni...
May 23, 2004 by trina_p
Today Elana had her second taste of solids - and she likes rice cereal about as much as I like zucchini. Yesterday we gave her 1 teaspoon of farex mixed with 2 teaspoons of milk from her bottle and nick fed her while i watched - man he face was so funny. She'd open her mouth and lean down over the spoon and screw up her face as soon as the spoon and taste was in her mouth she'd gum the mush and then open her mouth for the next spoon. So this morning I tried her on 2 teaspoons of farex w...
May 15, 2004 by trina_p
Elana really did roll over yesterday - this morning I put her on her tummy and left her upstairs with Nick while I went and did some laundry I came back up and she was on her side staring up at him and then she just rolled over onto her back - so a few minutes later we put her back on her tummy and she did it again - she really did roll over !!!!!!!!!!!
May 14, 2004 by trina_p
Actually I think it was just that her head was too heavy to hold her up when she rolled to her side - I wasn't watching. I put her on her tummy when Nick left this morning and I sat on the couch and I was reading something and I looked over at her because she just seemed quiet and she was on her back - I don't know how she did it and she won't do it again - so I think it was a fluke - but I was excited - I called Nick - he'd only been in the car 5minutes - outside Blockbuster in fact.
May 13, 2004 by trina_p
A friend gave us a crab rattle as part of a baby shower gift before Elana was born. It was a crab because one night when Nick and a bunch of friends were working on an assignment at the uni labs well into the night - Nick got a little tired and silly - he started walking (while sitting on a chair with wheels) like a crab. (on a side note - I wouldn't be surprised if Elana grows up to have an affinity with sea creatures - she has the crab rattle, the stuffed fish/turle/whale that hang over ...
May 9, 2004 by trina_p
OKay - I spent the afternoon reading on the couch while Nick alternated between making biscotti in the kitchen and watching Japenese Anaemi (sp) on his laptop - I had just been handed the baby who'd just woken up from her nap (because the buzzer on the oven went off again) and I was just about to stand up and put the kettle on when there was a knock at the door - we didn't lock it again after Nick's family left so before I'd got up from the couch my sister was in the hallway saying it's just ...
May 8, 2004 by trina_p
Today was my first mothers day as a receiver instead of a giver. I got to sleep in first of all - which was really great - why is it when you're allowed to sleep in your body just wakes you at the time you would have gotten up if you were woken?? This morning I did sleep in - 7:40am instead of the usual 6am but I could have had until 9am!!! - Oh well I picked up the baby and gave her a cuddle and Nick made me sit on the couch and he took her off me and put her down on the couch beside me a...
May 5, 2004 by trina_p
Today's the 6th of May (at least here in Aus it is) My baby girl is 5 months old today. I can't believe it it's just gone so fast. Last night when after Nick woke her and gave her a bottle and gave her too me to put her back in bed I nearly feel over - I could have sworn that she'd grown and put on another kilo while she was sleeping she just felt so big and heavy - I mean heavier then what she was when I put her in bed like 3hours earlier. Nick laughed at me but he said that he's notice...
April 27, 2004 by trina_p
Don't ya just Love life! Okay so tonight we have our obligatory family dinner thing - this week it's my family who are coming here for a belated birthday dinner for my mum. The May issue of "delicious" magazine is ALL Italian - so thats tonights theme - infact its all anti-pasto, he's making bruschetta, devil style chicken, fennel sausages with stewed capsicum a pasta fritata and a grilled vegetables recipe I found in "passione" But the very best bit is last night before we went to be...
April 24, 2004 by trina_p
OKay so today is ANZAC day and Nick decided that this was probably going to be his last chance to march in the parade since he wasn't going to be teaching the drums at BBC after this year and since he hasn't been along to a pipeband rehersal in I can't remember how long - what with having a baby and moving and staying up late on Saturday nights having people over etc he just hasn't been going to practices - I mean they are in Brunswick in the church next to the RNA Showgrounds its kinda a way...