Published on July 12, 2004 By trina_p In Home & Family
I'm exhausted.

I actually haven't done anything much today - no more or less then usual but I'm feeling really drained.

See Elana has been really weird about eating the last couple of days - I think it was ... actually I don't know what day it was and it doesn't really matter but I changed her pattern from 5 bottles of 180ml and 2 feeds of solids to 4 bottles of 240ml and 2 feeds of solids
It worked really well for a couple of days and then she just stopped she'd eat about 50-70mls from her bottle easily enough and then she'd stop - EVERYTHING was way more interesting the television that was off, the laptop, the wind outside, dad walking past, the doorbell ringing (which is why I was cursing under my breath that afternoon) the toys on the mat were particularly interesting.
After maybe a 10minute break I could force her to have another 20mls and another 15minutes after that I might be able to get her to have a few more. By the end of the hour I MIGHT have got her to the hundred ml mark (meaning she might have had 150ml - or the 70ml mark if it was the bottle after a solids feed because I make up the cereal with her bottle milk)
An hour and a half and we might have about 30mls left and I'll just give it up

So we decided to try her on three solid feeds and 4 bottles of 240mls and see what happens - that was Saturday

OH and remind me to get to the sleep thing --- by the way - I have a point for calling this mummy's little girl? - I'll hopefully get there too.....

Where was I - so Saturday I was feeling all domestic - I steamed and pureed and froze in ice-cube trays potato, sweet potato, carrot and peas oh and I also pureed some apple but I didn't freeze that.

Elana's had her pram for her entire life - I'm pretty sure that she wasn't born when we went shopping for her pram so she's been acquainted with said pram for 7months now but this last week its been like she's just noticed it for the first time - We decided not to buy a highchair last week - she's kinda in between sizes so we're using her pram - taken off the toys and the front bar and just strapped her in and put the bib on and feed her from that - she's grown kinda used to it - she knows if the bibs on its food and if the toys are there then we're going shopping.

Oh for goodness sake - okay Child gets fed in pram not highchair - but is far more interested in pattern of said prams padding (which as stated hasn't changed in 7months) instead of eating.

Also child would rather not be sleeping

Sorry - I'm getting frustrated about my own rambling although technically that IS the purpose of my blog to ramble about being a stay-at-home mummy,

Ok - Today was utterly exhausting - I think I may have mentioned Elana's amusement over the words mama/mummy/etc and dada/daddy/dad-dad-dad
She laughs - she'll quite happilly babble off bababa wah wah bah bubububaand brrrr (blowing rasberries) etc but anytime you say Elana can you say Daddy? dadadad she grins like a cheshire cat and giggles mmmm bababa - she thinks mummy & daddy are very funny words and not to be repeated
UNLESS - since she began making sounds about 4months ago whenever she cries its awmamamamamumumama through sobs -

So today she was really clingy - I mean really clingy - We actually think she might be feeling a bit off colour - she had almost all her cereal this morning and maybe a third of her bottle (she had another third an hour later) and when I put her down to nap at 8:30am which was a bit earlier then usual but she seemed really tired - she didn't sleep - I finally got her back up about 10ish
Where she had some more cereal - almost the whole thing and again almost nothing from her bottle then about 20minutes later she had a bit more and -- well you've got the idea

and she did the same thing all day - had very little sleep, very little to eat and was wanting to be held constantly - everytime I walked away - bathroom, rubbish bin, kitchen I got aw mumumumumumum - she wasn't crying she was whinging
I'd sit down beisde her on the mat and play with her toys with her and she'd go awmumamuma

When Nick came home he went to the study and I put her down on the floor with him while I went to do some stuff - as soon as I walked away AWMUMUMUMAMAMUMAM - I'd come back and she'd look at me with puppy eyes and raise her arms.

Thing is when she was in my arms - she'd look at the ground and indicate she wanted to get down, or she'd try and take my book, grab the laptop, my necklace is a particular fascination


I'm just tired - I love being awmumumumumamamuma - it's really nice but I'm really tired of this no eating no sleeping don't leave me please.

End Ramble

fall down dead

on Jul 12, 2004

It's just a phase, Trina, she'll get over it.  All mine got a bit clingy about 7 -8 months.  Sometimes you have to resist the puppy eyes and the raising the little arms to be picked's hard, I know, but you have to do it.  Usually once they realize that you're not leaving for good, that you are actually coming back, they chill out a bit.

I so wish that we were closer, I'd love to help out wth her. 

Oh, and if you ever make it to the States...well, you'd better be coming to St Louis!