Published on July 20, 2004 By trina_p In Home & Family
*sigh* my happy little baby is not so happy and not so little anymore.

Nick discovered last night that she is infact cutting a tooth on her top gum - poor little girl - she's actually alot better then I was expecting - it's like the caml before the storm. She's stopped eating solids altogether she's just not even interested in opening her mouth but shes having all the milk from her bottles - and she's chewing EVERYTHING.
Every so often she'll start yelling or burst into tears and be totally inconsolable for a few minutes and then it passes just as quickly as it came on and she'll be quiet as a mouse again gnawing on everything

I don't know how I'm going to make it through 19 more teeth

on Jul 20, 2004
19 more teeth... or 19 more years? maybe this intermittent moodiness and tears is part of being female?
on Jul 21, 2004

Our little baby just got over a thing that apparently happens to eight month old babies.  They get a fever for two days, and then break out in a rash.  Apparently that signifies that the immunities given by mother's milk is weakening.

I have never heard of that, but apparently that's what happened.  No teeth yet from our little guy.  I hope that baby Elana enjoys brushing.

on Jul 21, 2004
more teeth
I'd thought of that - but I asked Rin and she said it was exactly like PMS for Micah when he was teething too - that the cutting is like a cramp - it cuts and gives a pain and then stops just as suddenly as it starts you get a break for a bit then it cuts again - come to think of it it sounds like labour.

Don't speak too soon Jamie. well at least I won't have to worry about that 8month thing then - Elana is bottle fed formula
Brushing - hah I can't even get a spoon into her mouth what makes you think she'd let a toothbrush near her