Published on August 2, 2004 By trina_p In Home & Family
We were all sick last week -- Elana was infront with just a sniffly nose, I was about 8 hours ahead of Nick - but he didn't seem to have it as bad as me and he got better first.

Yesterday (Monday) was Nick's 21st Birthday -- he woke me up at 5am. We (Elana & I) bought him the Spiderman 2 game for Xbox with a Spiderman hand controller thingie, 2 Dan Brown books (Digital Fortress and Deception Point) and 2 Monty Python DVDs (Holy Grail & And Now for Something Comepletely Different.)

We had eggs for breakfast before he went to work. I went shopping with RIn and Jess (and Elana. Caleb & Micah) we went to Target had lunch went to Target again -- there's a Toy sale - Andy and Megan came and picked up Micah so he could go home for a sleep (he's 2)
About 2:30 we got a Boost (juice smoothie type thing) and went into the Parents Room. Nick met us there -- we put the babies (Caleb 7months and Elana 8months) in the toddler play area (there was noone in the room but us) and we gave Caleb Elana's chain and Elana got all Calebs toys -- they thought it was great fun -- especially Elana she seemed to think she had the better deal -- 3 new toys while Caleb just had her old chain (but he was having a ball shaking it and chewing on it) --- It was SO funny to watch them - Who says children don't interact at 6months.

After that we went to Woolies and Rin got snags and rolls cause she was feeding 7 at her house and we got some Maison and cheese - cause we were unsure what we were doing -- Nicks family was supposed to come over but Natalie was sick so we weren't sure if they would come. We ran into Alex and Peter also shopping at Woolies -- Alex's basket had frozen beans and cocoa pops and a chicken -- actual food. Peter had 2 frozen McCain meals 2 Noodle meals and a Dolmio meal, 2L Milk and some juice. -- Crazy
Nick said if his family wasn't going to come over he's like the boys to come -- which was fine.
We got home and Nick called his mum -- they were coming afterall and would bring curry from Raj Mahal. - So Nick called the boys -- they're coming over tonight instead.
I had a 10minute nap on the couch -- shopping exhausts me -- and we didn't even buy anything -- I bought McDonalds for lunch and 2 juice Boosts in the afternoon plus the Maison, mini toasts, marinated boccini and edam cheese we got at woolies.
What I mean was we didn't buy clothes or shoes or anything-- and we didn't even LAY-BY!!!!

Fed Elana carrots and a bottle - she went to bed just before 7pm -- she was utterly exhausted -- she must have been because she didn't move - didn't put up a fuss didn't even roll over -- when I went and checked on her a couple hours later she was in the exact same position I put her in -- poor baby

Nicks whole family arrived not 5 minutes later -- with Curry - Butter Chicken, Beef Rogan Josh and Paneer Masala plus Roti and Rice -- very Yummy

Nick got a Keyboard for his birthday from his parents -- and a stand from his sister & brother. He was very excited played for like an hour after they left then went back to Spiderman
About 10 we went to bed and watched the 2nd last episode of Fawlty Towers and fell asleep.

Fawlty Towers -- gosh that show pains me -- it's torture to watch - I scream at the lap top -- why can't you just tell the truth -- it's not that difficult a scenerio -- take last night -- it was his and Sybil's 15th Wedding Anniversary but he was pretending he forgot and she thinks he's forgotten for real -- he's planned a surprise lunch with all their friends and Manuel to make Paella -- but she walks out while he's not looking and drives off -- her friends arrive and instead of just telling them she's mad at him for "forgetting" their anniversary he tells them shes in bed sick and it goes on from there.

I'm in physical agony just watching this show -- I can't stand it -- Nick of course Loves it!

on Aug 03, 2004
Sounds like it was a fab birthday! I love Fawlty Towers, though I know what you mean. Sometimes you just wish yyou could jump into the screen and shake people, hehe! I never get what I go for when shopping, I always see something far nicer, but not what I went for. I'm not a disciplined shopper! But what girl is? hehe...
on Aug 03, 2004
fawlty towers is a cack, although i can see how you would find it painful to watch. oh my gosh, the funniest thing in the world? watching samantha platell watch deal or no deal. she's so funny, they got up to like, the fifth suitcase and there's about 3 lots of big money left and she's like "DEAL! TAKE THE DEAL!!" and cringing when they didn't. "$7000 is so much money! Why don't they take the deal?" Ah what larks.

i was a bit coughey and sniffly and sorey throatey this week too -- i hope i wasn't the infecter! i hope you're feeling better now.