Our next door neighbour has two cats. One a siamese like the ones in Lady & the Tramp and the other is a beautiful chocolate brown (but I don't knw the breed I've never really paid much attention)
Elana had been really quiet for the last 10 minutes or so - usually I know what she's doing by the sounds around her but I heard NO noise. So I went to investigate.
She heard me coming as she always does and came towards me dummy firmly planted in mouth (hence the silence) then she turned around and ran back to the door - I squated down to see what had piqued her interest, a passer by, a car, a truck. Lying in our driveway were the neighbours two cats, one was outstretched sleeping the other was sitting beside it.
I said Oh Cats - and she giggled standing there memorised. After a cuddle I left her there to watch the cats sleeping and came to blog about it. She's there still.
** Wait I speak too soon - she's in the playroom with blocks now, maybe the cats got up and left or maybe she just got bored watching