but forgot why I was mad
Published on February 21, 2005 By trina_p In Personal Relationships
So yesterday afternoon Nick is sitting at work when he realised it was 5'oclock and not 4pm and said Oh I have to go - you want me to pick crap up on the way home don't you. And I who was already in a bad mood at that point got mad and said No, I wanted you to pick up cereal so our daughter could have breakfast. And when he said okay I'm leaving and I said Fine I think he knew he was in trouble.
So about 45minutes later the doorbell rings, it's Nick standing there wirh a bunch of flowers and a hug and a kiss.

After about 10minutes I asked him, Did you get the crap I asked for?

And he went blank and went NO oh crap.

He brought flowers because he knew I was mad, but forgot the entire reason I was mad in the first place.

But the flowers are beautilful - 5 Gerbera's 3 orange and two fushia -- My Favourites.

I was remembering it a few hours later - laughing "I can't believe you forgot the cereal" his response, "Yeah, I'm wonderful aren't I?"

Yes and you're blogworthy too

on Feb 21, 2005
That was sweet Trina.. nice to know flowers can still brighten peoples day.
on Feb 21, 2005
Oh yeah! Flowers on a random day just because are great.