Published on February 4, 2005 By trina_p In Home & Family
We just had a bad wake up, I was just about to get off the phone and have a nap taking advantage of Elana's sleep status when I heard her crying.
When I went in she was lying on her tummy with her legs through the bars and and bottom right up against the bars.
I picked her up and she was still asleep whimpering -- bad dream.

We went into the bathroom to wet her hair and wash her face because it's really hot today and we sang twinkle twinkle, and itsy bitsy spider a few times still whimpering while we waited for a bottle and now she's drinking but still whimpering. Twice she's thrown it away and cried.

Now she's finished and I gave her a cracker and her animal colours book she's looking at her favourite page Yellow Ducks and singing twinkle twinkle to herself

Bad wake up - not cool.

on Feb 04, 2005
Scary dreams are no fun I hope she feels better soon.
on Feb 04, 2005
she's fine, she's playing with a connector pen and the magnets on the fridge and singing twinkle twinkle little star. And you're right they suck. I had some kind of weird wake up this morning at 4am I was awake until I had to get up at 6 - I just couldn't get back to sleep.
But it's even worse in little babies because they whimper and they cry and their faces break your heart and they're inconsolable for minutes until you find the right trick - milk, cuddle, song, cracker, certain toy or story or hi5 video.
Today it was milk and a cracker and a book.