Elana was making this weird grinding sound with her teeth today which i found really weird because she only has 4 teeth, 2 in the front at the top and 2 in the front at the bottom. Then later today she was throwing a tantrum because I wouldn't let her have my glasses and she opened her mouth really wide as she screamed and burst into tears and I got a shock as a caught a glimpse of white
Nick felt her mouth and she has teeth in the middle on the side on the bottom, then I was giving her a bath and felt brave enough to put my finger in her mouth and I felt nothing on the right but on the left on both the top and bottom she has at least two teeth
They just popped up without notice. And she grinds them together.
So this might explain all our big problems with getting her to eat this past week Because she ate fine tonight (sweet potato only)
Who told her she could grow up overnight?