Elana can match. As I've said in many previous blogs and comments Elana has a thing for the W's (not the awesome Christian band, but the letter magnets on our fridge) We gave her a second packet of letters for Christmas and so she has 2 of every letter. (except I took the letters that spelt her name E-L-A-N-A and put them on the fridge just above the point where she can reach) But now as well as the 2 W's (which are both blue) she has now started carrying around other letters both Q's which are also blue, both G's (red) boths D's (one is red the other green) both R's (yellow & purple) right now I look behind me and I see she is holding both O's (yellow & blue) she also has both S's (blue & purple) on the floor in front of her
I've also seen her with both J's and both M's quite regular (1 each of red and green)
So Elana matches.
Her other big thnig is taking the letters up and down the hallway with her - yesterday I went into her bedroom and there were 2 W's, 2 Q's and 2 Ds strewn on the floor.
She also has this thing about taking two square quatro blocks 2 red or 2 purple up to the front door and banging them on the metal door while Yelling DADADADADAD at the top of her lungs. Oh there she goes - Both O's and Elana walking up the hallway, they'll be back in a minute.
In other news I haven't blogged in ages because I haven't had anything to say - and Elana matches is the best I could come up with.
I've been so bored lately I think I need to do something useful - like a course or get a job - which I don't want to do - unless it was typing from home or something Because it occured to me what I did this weekend (at night when Elana was asleep and Nick playing WoW) was catch up on the missing 3 years of Days of Our Lives and abuse JU's teenagers because they couldn't spell if their life depended on it.
In other other news Kenny has a blog - it's very funny go there after you leave here and Australia won the 1 day game against Pakistan yesterday really convincingly.