Published on January 4, 2005 By trina_p In Home & Family
For the last 2 or 3 months Elana has been slowly working her way up to walking -- she'd take 1 or 2 steps and decide that was enough. She'd confidently walk if you held one of her hands and she'd run if you held both of her hands. But she found that crawling got her where she wanted to be faster and so she just didn't bother much with walking,

In the last month she'd been taking more and more steps more often - 5 or 6 at a time - she once took 10 but again it was all too slow for her and if she tried to run she'd fall over.

In the last week she's just been getting up and going off. Yesterday she walked from the couch to around the corner out of my sight - when I got up off the couch to follow her she had fallen beside the stairs - I expect she got as far as the kitchen before stopping. She walked around in circles between the television and Nick.
This morning I was out of the room and I could hear her in the kitchen banging on the bin. Then I thought I heard her crawling up the hallway but when I looked out she was walking - she walked straight past me got as far as her bedroom door, sat down and crawled to me.

I came down to the computer to email Nick and write this blog and she just started walking around From the back door to the television over to the carpet and the toys and back to the tv - she's been standing there for 5 minutes now.

So 2 days before her 13th month - Elana walks. Properly. and EVERYWHERE

on Jan 04, 2005
Woo Hoo! This is quite a mile stone. I know you are so proud, but now she wil get faster, and faster and faster!
on Jan 04, 2005
Thanks Kelly. She will - she already is -- we think she'll be running by Friday. Thankfully our house is pretty minimalist and square there's nothing she can get into and there's nowhere she can go to get into mischief - so she'll just tire herself out running up and down and around and around.
on Jan 04, 2005
That's awesome! Running is scary sometimes because you don't always have as much time to react if something like a wall or table gets in your way.

Capt. over and out!
on Jan 16, 2005
Wow! That is awesome, you must be one proud mommy.... and now an even busier one!
on Jan 17, 2005
Congratulations trina!

Now that she's walking so much you'll have such a hard time to make her sit still...