Published on October 14, 2004 By trina_p In Home & Family
Don't you hate it when you do something stupid like click the refresh button on the window you have just spent 10 minutes typing out a blog only to lose it
*sigh* (will now attempt to retype said blog)

It's been a really strange week. So Wednesday (I think) my mum called to say that my Grandma's older sister had passed away (my Grandma died in 1997) and she'd call me again when she knew the funeral details.
Then Saturday morning my dad called me to tell me that my Grandad's older sister passed away that morning.

My Grandma is the youngest girl with 2 sisters and a younger brother (Peggy (deceased), Jean, Jessie (my grandma - deceased) and Colin)
My Grandad is the youngest boy with 3 older sisters 1 older brother and 1 younger sister (Una, Ellen, Robert, Flora (all deceased), George (my grandad) and Norma (lives in USA))

So Monday we (Elana, my mum, dad and sister) drove the hour drive to Caboulture (between Brisbane & Sunshine Coast) for the 11am service for my Great Aunty Peggy.

Then Tuesday we drove the hour to Esk (between Ipswich & Toowoomba) for the 11am service for my Great Aunty Flora.

Both these women were my dad's Aunts.

How weird is that - two funerals in two days in two different directions for two sides of the same family.

I bought Elana this gorgeous Navy dress that had white spots and a butterfly - she looked so beautiful - We met (remet) LOTS of relatives.

In other news...we're having pizza for dinner. (if it ever arrives)

Elana's been eating baby food the last couple of days - Alpha noodle bolognaise (HUGE hit) and Brown rice with vegetables (not so great) banana custard, vanilla custard (HUGE hit) strawberry yogurt (very much NOT a hit) and pineapple, pear and mango (huge hit)

Pizza is here

on Oct 14, 2004
sorry to hear about the funerals...
though all deserts definitely made my mouth water ...hey check out my blog
on Oct 14, 2004
I hope you 're ok sweety, Funerals are awful. It's nice to see people you haven't seen for a while and catch up even under such circumstances.

Maddy Mae is so funny about eating at the moment. She's just refusing everything she can't pick up and eat herself. If you feed her anything with a spoon she spits it out, it's driving my sister crazy!
on Oct 15, 2004
Nothing Elana eats makes my mouth water.

But I don't like anything banana flavoured and I don't like yogurt of any kind so yeah - to each his own.

Thanks Sal - I'm fine - I didn't cry - at all - that was kinda weird. I had only vague memories of both women and no memories of anyone else at either funeral - I kinda just went for my dad and grandad.

But I'm told Elana looks like my dad's mum side - We've always seen Nick's side more then anything but my grandmas relatives - neices etc all said yup she's a *insert Grandma's maiden name*!
And I found out one of my cousins on my grandma's side has a daughter called Alannah - freaky huh

That's really funny - your poor sister though. Elana ate a pizza crust this morning - at first she didn't have a clue what to do with it - when we put it to her mouth she pulled away like we were trying to poison her (kinda like last night with the brown rice and vegetables [pumpkin, potato, corn and broccoli]) - eventually she picked it up herself and devoured it like a rusk within minutes - she loved it.
Classic crust.
on Oct 15, 2004
How old is Elana? I look after my nephew full time (he's 17 months old) and gave up on brown rice long ago. White rice is kind of OK every now and again, but he's still sceptical. I make him spag bol with lots and lots of vegies or strange mash combinations, although he is eating a lot more normally now. Sandwiches were a hit after he got over the fact that I would no longer be feeding him lunch. Isn't it funny how some kids can't wait to do it themselves while others would prefer you do it for them until they're 18!

Sorry to hear about the funerals. I guess it's not as bad when they're quite old, is it? Kind of like they got a good go at life. Take care xxx
on Oct 15, 2004
Thanks Suz

I worked it out before - Elana is 1 in 7weeks!! (and Christmas is in 10) - She's 10months - it's really freaky!!

This was a jar of golden circle babyfood that Nick picked up - she hated it. But she loves this Alpha spaghetti -- and she likes this mush I made her (no teeth) potato, mince, carrot and pasta blended - doesn't look appetising. But nothing she eats does.

We tried sandwiches once - she was not impressed - had no idea what to do with them.

(I was just about to repeat my pizza crust story - see what motherhood does - I need a brain transplant)
on Oct 15, 2004
Have you yourself tried any of the bottled baby food? To say that it tastes like cardboard would be mean to paper goods! I put tonnes of herbs and garlic and spices and stuff in Jake's food so now when we have to resort to a bottle he just spits it out. Didn't think that one through, did I? His current favourite is a chicken curry with peas and sweet potato. He's going to be the weird kid at school who has funny lunches when everyone else has vegemite sandwiches!

You must be so excited about her first proper Christmas - when she can kind of get excited about toys and stuff. We can't have a tree this year due to Jake's busy hands!
on Oct 15, 2004
I was that kid sometimes I took tupperware containers of cut up lettuce tossed with vegemite or peanut butter.
And my sandwiches were honey, peanut butter, ham and cheese

Excited yeah but it's kinda weird - christmas just gets closer each year and I'm a mum - at some stage I may have to meet Santa and arrange Elana's presents - or something
Well Elana is already into everything - I think IF we had a christmas tree we'd have to put it inside a playpen of something to keep her away from it. But something tells me she'd just pick it up or do something rugratesque.

Speaking of -- The little monkey she unscrewed the knob on the door of the entertainment unit. I was in the kitchen and she was trying to hug the tv when I heard something fall on the floor so I went to see what it was and she was just about to pick up the knob of the door which is about 2cm in diameter - she unscrewed it.
She also found a pen in a drawer and unscrewed that - she discarded the spring and ink part and just sat there sucking on the hollow bit.

Crazy Monkey
on Oct 16, 2004
Awww.. She is so darn cute! I love when they start to try and feed themselves... the food gets all over their face and hair... I love it!
on Oct 17, 2004
My condolences
on Oct 18, 2004
wow, one in 7 weeks?!?!?! what a trip out... in some ways it's flown... in others, i can't believe she's been around for less than a year.