Published on September 1, 2004 By trina_p In Entertainment
last one for a couple days or so I promise -- but I found this one funny - the first question was are you male - which I answered No too - because I'm not
check out my answers Link

1) Monica (to be expected I'm borderline obsessive compulsive sometimes - my best friend thinks I have autistic tendencies)

2) Rachel

3) Chandler (what the?)

4) Joey (hmm?)

5) Phoebe

6) Ross

Incidently has a WAY better which friend are you quiz!! Link

on Sep 01, 2004
Good Lord, I'm going to barf....Joey, then Chandler, then Phoebe, then Rachel, then Monica, then Ross.

I should stay away from quizzes like this, where there's no good outcome.

One day, I'll learn!
on Sep 01, 2004
Chandler, Joey, Monica, Phoebe, Ross, Rachel
on Sep 02, 2004

I thought I was going to be Ross, but I'm not!  I wanted to be Rachel or Phoebe though.

Joey, Monica, Chandler, Rachel, Phoebe, Ross.

on Sep 02, 2004
Joey (WTF?)
on Sep 02, 2004
Isn't it interesting how Chandler is more feminine then Phoebe - Anglo is a girl yet she got Chandler and Joey before Rachel & Phoebe (she got Ross before Phoebe)

And Joseph - who's a man got Monica before Chandler before Rachel Phoebe & Ross
Not to mention Gideon and History (who are also men) -- Ross is last/second last again

I wonder what they're basing these answers on - Surely when you say are you Male yes/no it would automatically put all the same gendered characters in the first 3

*shrugs* - this is why I said Emode has a better quiz -- Link

I was too lazy to find it before I didn't think anyone would take the test
on Sep 02, 2004
Wow. I got Joey on that one too! I was sure I'd be Phoebe in this one though.
on Sep 02, 2004
I don't think gender should matter. One of the good things the show pretty much kept throughout its 10 years was the individuality of the characters. I'm just incensed that I have anything in common with Joey. Blech.

Maybe the gender question is just for the first, i.e. I might've gotten Chandler first if I'd marked "male" but my answers had been the same....? I don't care enough to check it.
on Sep 02, 2004
I was Chandler on the Emode/Tickle quiz as well.

Could you be any more like Chandler? The most lovable wiseguy around, you've got more than a little Bing inside you, don't 'cha? Front and center in your Chandler-ness is that unstoppable wit, keeping everyone in stitches (or at least deflecting uncomfortable situations). And like the Chan-Chan man, you'd never leave your pals out in the cold. But your generosity is so inconspicuous that people often don't even notice it.

Romantically, a soft, sweet, heart and charming, insecurity rule. You might, however, be held back from love by that nagging little fear of, well, growing up. Ya think? But, like the adorable Mr. Bing himself, it's just because you care so much and don't want to let anyone down.

on Sep 02, 2004
I was Rachel on the Tickle quiz - but I took that about 2 years ago when I was addicted to quizes and did every single quiz they had! They've since added more
on Sep 02, 2004
#1 Monica

#2 Chandler

#3 Phoebe

#4 Rachel

#5 Joey

#6 Ross

What a suprise compulsive obsessive me is Monica....not sure about Chandler though!

on Sep 03, 2004








I thought sure I would be Monica....oh well.....

on Sep 03, 2004
Chip, you've got a little bit of Joey going on!

How you doin'? Your inner Joey Tribbiani wants to know. Like the real Joey, people can feel your presence and red-hot, sex appeal the minute you walk in the room. And your good intentions are never far behind (even if you do let a secret or two slip at the wrong moments). The point is, your honesty and sweet-natured charm can get you out of any situation because you always mean well.

Your hidden strength may just be your tenacity. Did Joey give up acting because Dr. Drake Ramoray was killed off the soap opera? Nope. And even after he failed as Al Pacino's butt double he didn't abandon his dreams. So keep that in mind, aim high, and keep being the friend that your friends love having around.