Published on August 22, 2004 By trina_p In Home & Family
no longer am I a 21 year old wife and mother

No I'm roughly 6, with dirt on my face, felt pen on my hands and piggy tails -- Okay not literally

But I'm sitting here kicking my self for letting stuff other people say/do get to me so badly and dunking Arnotts ginger snap biscuits in milk (full cream) until they're so soggy they almost fall into the milk but don't and then sucking the milk/biscuit followed by more dunking.

on Aug 22, 2004
I'm sorry to hear about your regression (or at least the cause of it). I myself had a bunch of Chip's Ahoy chocolate chip cookies with milk the same way last night.
on Aug 22, 2004
Those are really Nice!!! I don't think you can get them here anymore but I remember they had just the right amount of chocolate chips.

There's something so deliciously comforting as milk and biscuits - especially gingernuts -- They go with everything - Crushed up in ice-cream is definitely my favourite - but we have no ice-cream
on Aug 23, 2004
i really think i've missed something important on what's getting to you. maybe i need to go back and read some of your past blogs and their replys. however yaay for both gingernuts and chips ahoy (although i dont' feel like chips ahoy are as brilliant now as they were when i was a kid... that's probably just growing up though rather than nabisco (??) not making them as well anymore)
on Aug 23, 2004
You won't find anything in my blogs except for the one you just read about my week and Champas reply -- I've hidden a few of my blogs and I've written and hidden some others - I've been told that I can't use my blog as a private diary and not expect to be criticised for what I've written there - what if the person you're writing about reads it - how would they feel - etc

So they can't find it because its not there too be found *sigh* anyway

I'm in major need of more milk and ginernuts today -- and we're out of milk and almost out of biscuits -- I suppose I could have a couple of Elana's milk arrowroots

Hope everything's going well - yay for a exposee on pets! Hope we can talk soon *sigh*
on Aug 24, 2004
trina p: Sorry to hear that you're feeling rotten, but I've got a really cute mental picture of you as a little girl all scrubby with piggy tails, munching on some cookies. I hope that whatever is bothering you is quickly resolved. Enjoy your milk and cookies!
on Aug 24, 2004
the odd thing is I don't think I was ever like that - I didn't like my hair in pigtails I hated pink and I dind't enjoy being dirty - I liked to play in water or with my dolls - I was big on mums & babies
I was happier with a book and some carrot/celery sticks

Milk and cookies as comfort food is a new thing - like since I was 15 or something but I've always been a strange kid

Thanks for the encouragement - it helped a lot to write some of my thoughts before even if noone will read them - as much as I appreciated feedback from total strangers -- the criticism I received from friends was hard to take.
I don't know about resolved.... but I'm over it so yeah