Published on July 28, 2004 By trina_p In Blogging
babies that turn intelligent people into babbling idiots?

I find myself regularly speaking an octave or two higher then when I speak to "adults" when I'm speaking to Elana - I find myself speaking absolute jibberish -- and I don't mean too - Elana is a baby but she's intelligent just because we can't understand her doesn't mean she can't understand us - She knows what we're saying - so why do I find myself singing everything Oh look you smell so lets go change your nappy (diaper) -- and why do I find myself singing songs about it -- I used to be a reasonably intelligent person people used to ask my opinion on things important and inconsequential and now I find myself in the middle of the day singing about my daughters bowel movements - even worse blogging about them -- it's bad enough that I email my husband at work because I think he wants to be a hands on dad he should know all about her

I think I need some help

But it's not just her nappies - it's everything -- I've turned into Mary Poppins -- singing about everything - I don't mean actually musical singing I just mean my voice goes up a few octaves so everything comes out in Soprano (or is it alto?)
What are you doing little girl?
Would you like a bottle
Who's the cutest baby in the world

And I've become boring -- All I ever talk about is Elana and occassionally Nick "So how's you been Trina? What's it like being a Mum? Oh well Elana's doing this... and Nick's doing this ... and ..... so on etc etc --

Elana (I'm going to do it again) -- but she's pretty funny - she's learnt how to manipulate our hands - Yesterday she grabbed Nicks arms, turned his palm over and grabbed his fingers so she could pull herself up to a stand.
This afternoon she was sitting on the mat playing and she called me UUUUUHHHHHHH ammaummubabumumama -- Yes Elana? - she reaches up so I sit down beside her and pick up one of her plastic rings - she takes the ring out of my hand and puts it on the floor then grabs both my hands so she can stand up.

And she's worked out how her musical aquarium works - just push the button and the music starts - easy - look mum I can even do it with my feet.

on Jul 28, 2004
Cute... You just want to talk about her all the time because you love her so much, you want to share her!
on Jul 28, 2004
I wonder when people will tell me to stop sharing so much
on Jul 28, 2004
This is so funny. Wait until you find yourself talking to another mother about your babies bowel movements. That was my big wake up call - what have I become?!!! And one day you will find yourself driving along the road singing fruit salad, yummy, yummy by the Wiggles and your husband will look at you like you have finally lost it. This is what you have to look forward to but definately try to make a effort to have some time to yourself. It is easy to get lost in being a mom and lose your own identity. I sometimes forget who Amy is.
on Jul 29, 2004
I wonder when people will tell me to stop sharing so much

I doubt that will happen. Some people eat this stuff up. The ones that don't will just likely ignore such articles and move on.
on Jul 31, 2004
Treens, I'm sure you probably already know this from your education, but psychologists reckon that babies very much want to hear high pitched voices. They love to hear their mums speaking baby speak, and music and rhtythm are very important things to instill in a baby while it is young (as opposed to babies who are old). My mum used to play clapping games with me while I was on the change table, where I would clap rhythms back to her or we would clap each other's hands and she would sing a few notes from time to time and I think I used to sing along too. keep it up, bubs will love it. btw, tks 4 tching me how to do the links. Can you please though not call me Rom in your link to my blog? I havent seen garage Days but I have long wanted to. The reason I nebver put Day You Come in my top 20 was because as you say, no one even realises that it's about pauline, but yes, it is. And well done on the touche reply you made to my BB post. I still think my point remains valid nonetheless.
on Aug 03, 2004
i remember hearing my dad tell a story about how when we were little kids and he was flying the aeroplane he started singing...

"up in the sky i fly, zoom, zoom a-zoom a-zoom-zoom"

and got the WEIRDEST look from his captain!