Brad/Karma let me know if I've broken a rule -- I'll remove it.
This Category should be in *Bitching* but it doesn't exist so..
I've been biting my tongue on this subject for a few weeks now, I'm not sure what gave me the courage to write it -- maybe the cold/flu tablets are kicking in my brain but not doing anything for my cold....
There are certain blogs on Joeuser I just won't visit - because I don't want to see imo fiction or crap or someone jumping up another person's butt because they a) stated the obvious or
stated something completely idiotic that that other person agrees with them.
Occassionally though I'll go somewhere that slips by the radar and will be confronted head on so i'll find myself yelling at the laptop "That's not what he/she meant you (insert remark here)" "Read the other comments --- ARGH!!!! not him/her again
and usually I can refrain from commenting.
Usually -- today I didn't.
I don't want to blame the cold I have but it has lowered my level of tolerence for crap - although I hope it didn't come through that much - I tried very hard to be tactful and uninsulting.
And now I feel icky -- because reading said peoples comments and responding silently or not leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
It really annoys me how "people" will go on to a certain person's blog and no matter what they say treat it as Gold -- they don't even read the responding criticisms - constructive or not and proceed in "sucking up"
you're so right so&so, oh yes anyone who says anything bad about my friend so&so is going down Let's not read their blogs, lets proceed to hijack their thread with mindless dribble about how good of friends we are with someone else
I find alot of intelligence and insight in some of the writing of Joeusers -- some of the younger ones in particular (younger - hey i'm 21...oh well)
And some of the older ones I find to be childish and immature and often pathetic and closeminded.
Which is why I try not to go to the blogs that I know the people who annoy me regularly comment on -- can be difficult sometimes.
Sorry - I think I'll go have a shower and calm down abit