Brad/Karma let me know if I've broken a rule -- I'll remove it.
Published on June 15, 2004 By trina_p In Blogging

This Category should be in *Bitching* but it doesn't exist so..

I've been biting my tongue on this subject for a few weeks now, I'm not sure what gave me the courage to write it -- maybe the cold/flu tablets are kicking in my brain but not doing anything for my cold....

There are certain blogs on Joeuser I just won't visit - because I don't want to see imo fiction or crap or someone jumping up another person's butt because they a) stated the obvious or stated something completely idiotic that that other person agrees with them.

Occassionally though I'll go somewhere that slips by the radar and will be confronted head on so i'll find myself yelling at the laptop "That's not what he/she meant you (insert remark here)" "Read the other comments --- ARGH!!!! not him/her again

and usually I can refrain from commenting.

Usually -- today I didn't.

I don't want to blame the cold I have but it has lowered my level of tolerence for crap - although I hope it didn't come through that much - I tried very hard to be tactful and uninsulting.

And now I feel icky -- because reading said peoples comments and responding silently or not leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

It really annoys me how "people" will go on to a certain person's blog and no matter what they say treat it as Gold -- they don't even read the responding criticisms - constructive or not and proceed in "sucking up"

you're so right so&so, oh yes anyone who says anything bad about my friend so&so is going down Let's not read their blogs, lets proceed to hijack their thread with mindless dribble about how good of friends we are with someone else

I find alot of intelligence and insight in some of the writing of Joeusers -- some of the younger ones in particular (younger - hey i'm 21...oh well)

And some of the older ones I find to be childish and immature and often pathetic and closeminded.

Which is why I try not to go to the blogs that I know the people who annoy me regularly comment on -- can be difficult sometimes.

Sorry - I think I'll go have a shower and calm down abit

on Jun 15, 2004
Awwwww... Poor Trina is getting mad

I believe i have mastered the art of avoiding blogs!!! it takes a bit of dicipline... however, heed my advice!!! you will read something that makes your blood boil, respond impulsively and wnd up making yourself look quite foolish... I am also the master of that!!! hehe...

If you are going to read a blog that there is a high percantage it will drive you insane, it's best to sit down, relax for a few hours, and then respond with a cohesive and well backed up argument... no name calling

Blogging is like everything in life... pros and cons.... having people from such diverse backgrounds and differing opinions - massive Pro.

The fact that some of them are wankers, and no matter what you say, they continue to be wankers - compromisable con


on Jun 15, 2004
The fact that some of them are wankers, and no matter what you say, they continue to be wankers - compromisable con

Here, here, Muggaz. That needed to be said again.
on Jun 15, 2004
Most of the time it's not the blogs themselves that drag me up the wall, but rather the comments I inadvertently click on. There should be three options in the ratings, "Trolling", "Insighftul" and "Downright Bloody Stupid". There wouldn't be a point effect, but the offender would be branded with an asterix for a week.
on Jun 15, 2004
There wouldn't be a point effect, but the offender would be branded with an asterix for a week.

Some kind of running talley like, "12 people this week think BoBo Blogger is a raving idiot"?

That's cute (I'll even give you an insightful for it), but I don't think I could approve. No reason to hurt the feelings of someone who's trying to be sincere. I know how I'd feel if my name had "9 people this week think SmartAz is a raving idiot" under it and it wouldn't be nice. (Even nine little astrixes.) I'm already disappointed someone "trolled" me after I commented on BakerStreet's article.

(By the way, if there really is anyone running around this system named BoBo Blogger, my apologies.)
on Jun 15, 2004
I loved the article Trina (is that classed as arse licking, hehe!). If I'm honest I think I leave poor comments, I know I do, I rant and rave like a lunatic, and waffle, and never actually make a point, or repeat what the other 5 people said before me. I read alot of blogs, I'm a regular reader to alot of blogs, but there is only a few certain people I will leave comments for on a regular basis, I don't know why, but some peoples blogs, i just don't feel comfortable, slightly unwelcome maybe, so I read their stuff, but refrain from commenting. The worst I find is responding to people who leave comments on my blog, because people are so nice and kind, and I want to say something to show my appreciation that they take the time to read my stuff, but I just end up I am now, ahhh nothing changes!
on Jun 15, 2004
Thanks Sally - without going into detail I just want to say you weren't the focus of my rant - I really enjoyed talking to you abour neighbours, my daughter/your neice and books I've read. It's really just well one particular person but I don't want to overstep any boundaries etc -- I was just mad.

Mugs - always a pleasure to hear from the wannabe future PM How are those policies coming along?
I hope I wasn't calling names I've tried extremely hard to not make it a personal attack on one person - when I say childish, immature pathetic etc I'm not saying the person themselves is that -- because I only know 3 people personally -- just some of the things they say or they way some of their comments come across in my opinion is "childish, immature, pathetic etc

As for going away and thinking about it -- like I said -- I've been sitting on my opinion on this topic since not long after I joined Joeuser.

Mack - I agree with the button thing although I don't think I've ever used the Trolling button and if I have used the insightful it was only once or twice (admins could prove me wrong though) The points thing matters little to me - although it is nice when people like what you have to say - my biggest fear is "antagonizing the admins" - not being trolled.

Smartaz - not sure which article of BakerStreet's you're referring too (if it was the one about the word homophobia then I think they were crazy - it was a valid comment -- both of them)
on Jun 15, 2004
...i didn't think you aimed it at me hunny, well I hoped you didn't! I've enjoyed our little discussions, and hopefully there are many more to come! I hardly ever use insightful and I've NEVER used the trolling one, I think yours was the first comment I clicked insightful on and that was because of all the effort you put into the response, I was so pleased someone had listened to me that much! Don't let these people (person) bother you, the best thing is to just not visit them, that's what I do, I pretent they are not there!
on Jun 15, 2004

Good blog trina-p.  You followed the most important guideline here in making a readable blog. 

You broke up your article into small paragraphs with spaces in between them.

Even if someone has a good article or has an interesting point, eye fatigue plays a big role in whether I'll read the article to the bottom.

As far as which blogs I read and comment on, I do like Sally does and limit my intake and output.  I pretty much hit my favorites list, and then scoot.

on Jun 15, 2004

Great article....I like it when your truth filter is out of order!

It's hard to comment and walk away.  You get dragged comment, they respond, you have to comment on their response....and it just goes down hill from there...right Muggaz?

Sometimes you just have to let it go.  I end up visualizing a lot of stuff....the one that works best for me is imagining that the problem is in my hand.  I have my fist closed around it, tightly...and I turn my hand so the palm side is up, open my fingers, and let the problem float away out of my hand. 

The again, sometimes I just want to get my 2 cent's worth in, regardless.

on Jun 16, 2004
Never fix the filter.

on Jun 16, 2004

Trina~nice article. Just wanted to say I am very sorry again for taking so long to respond to your thoughtful comment on my Ryan White blog.

I have just finished a rather long response which I hope will answer many of your questions. If you have any other questions~feel free to let me know. BTW~your comment was a very good one. And the only reason it took me so long to answer you is because of the overwhelming number of comments on that blog (over 200!). Very sorry again for the misunderstanding. And I hope your cold gets much better for you soon. I know how much I hate it when I get a bad cold myself.


on Jun 16, 2004

I too am a fan of the broken truth filter! I think Muggaz summed it up best with his "once a wanker always a wanker" comment. Some people are around for the points and the popularity. Some people get a kick out of proving everyone else wrong. For some people, JU plays a very important role in their life.

For the rest of us, JU is a fun place to exchange ideas and talk about what's on our minds. I think this is clearly the healthier category to fit into!

PS. While I would love to have you as a sister in our cyber family (you mentioned wanting Dharma to be your big sis in another blog), I'm going to have to veto. If you join, I'll no longer be the baby sister! So, unless you can age five years today, you're out! Only kidding, welcome to the sisterhood!
on Jun 16, 2004

I know the feeling.

I was just on a blog that falsely accused Ronald Reagan of homophobia by arguing that he didn't do "enough" on AIDS even though he had spent billions on the disease from the very start.

Even as people pointed this out, they got accused of being homophobic and ridiculed by the very same people who lamely call for "tolerance" for other people's opinions (apparently they just mean other people who agree with them).

But no matter how often the facts were presented, they were just ignored.

on Jun 16, 2004
Very well said, Trina! I've been away from JU for a couple of days, simply because all of the insanity was beginning to get to me, and I know myself well enough to know I was on the verge of saying some, although true, rather not-so-nice things, and I didn't want to put my account in I ranted to my poor long-suffering husband, and stayed away till this evening. now I feel calm, and ready to jump back into discussing things with folks. Let's see how long I can last THIS time!!
on Jun 16, 2004
Shades -i was going to put this where you made your comment but I thought it was more appropiate to hijack my own thread- I have no problem if you want to be the baby - I forget I'm 21 too - I feel I should be at least 25 probably 28 and if your favourite age is 23 then you're still the baby
Anyway my wanting Dharma for a sister was my lament that I didn't have a older sister - what makes you think I want 6 or 7 older sisters -- just kidding I'd Love all the family I could get - couldnt be more dysfunctional then the ones I already have right?

LW -- I Love This --
We all know who they are, but the sad fact is that they wont recognize themselves in your article, for they take great pride in their blindness.

PM -- I had the exactly the same discussion with my husband - poor nick

I've given up on trying to make my point on the aids related blogs especially since I'm met with such "politeness" - which I hate and there's noone home for me to rant at (it's 11am Nick's at work and Elana just doesn't listen - she's a talker not a listener)

I'm floored by who has responded to this post -I regularly read and respect you all- I didn't think it was particularly well written and I was worried I would overstep my boundaries

thanks for liking it