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Ramblings of an Aussie Stay @ Home Mummy
This is Ridiculous.
Published on June 10, 2004 By
Current Events
Watching Sunrise this morning I saw a headline "USA threatens to limit intelligence sharing with Australia under a Labor government"
What the? So if Labor wins the election this year then USA won't be our friend anymore?
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on Jun 10, 2004
Just goes to show trina what is the real agenda here. Sounds like an ultimatum to me. Sounds like they are trying to influence the way we vote. But hey the government there at the moment is just like the government here at the moment. Both are conservatives. Hopefully they both will change.
on Jun 10, 2004
Oh please evryone get a grip. Who said it, when did they say it and in what context are they talking about? I am an American and happen to love the Aussies and 99% of what they stand for. So don't take something you hear in the press (the greatly left leaning press) and think its true or represents the American people or our way of thinking!
Look more into it and the news agency that reported. Like when I watch CNN (which I try to do as little as I can) I don't take andything at face value without checking other sources first. News is no longer presented in an unbiased and informational way, most of it has an agenda behind it and someone or some group drivnig it. CNN (Commie News Network) is owned by Ted Turner a famous American Commie and the news reflects his views. The CNN people wouldn't dare say anything he didn't agree with. So don't think we (AMericans) are like what you see or hear in the press.
We love ya Aussies!!
on Jun 10, 2004
Seriously Shadow... I find it hard to beleive a communist would own a multinational news network... he may be left leaning, but commie is a bit rich.
Trina - like it matters anyway - The US have proved in Iraq and with Sept 11 that their intelligence is crap anyway... I hate Australian politics... Labour and Liberal are both as bad as one another, they are both centralised, however, I am a liberal voter because they have better economic policies... do you wan't to start a new political party with me? I reckon we would do alright... we could get Teegs and Wayne to join as well... and then Peter Garrett
on Jun 10, 2004
The word from the
horses mouth
- that horse being The US's deputy secretary of State - Richard Armitage... no media spin at all...
on Jun 10, 2004
Yeah - that's him Richard Armitage and there was something about Colin Powell.
Shadow - I didn't say it was the average American - the average AMerican has no control of what Intelligence reports are shared with another country.
And I believe I just said I saw a headline (as in the writing on the bottom of the screen that scrolls just the major points of a headline) on the Sunrise program this morning.
However after I wrote this blog I saw the story behind the headline -- It was in an interview with "The Australian" newspaper with Richard Armitage after he had met with Shadow foreign minister Kevin Rudd who was in the USA talking with him about Labor's policies.
The Australian is one of Australia's most reputable newspapers.
*also Nick (husband) has informed me perhaps my quip should have read "What the? So Labor wins the election this year then *the Bush Administration* won't be our friend anymore"
Mugz- That's a terrible idea on so many levels
I don't know you personally but I do me and the other 2 and I wouldn't want us running the country.
Thanks for stopping by everyone
on Jun 10, 2004
Ok Trina... how about I start a political party - and you just vote for me
on Jun 10, 2004
Well that all depends mugz -- what are your policies?
on Jun 10, 2004
lol - Still working on those Trina... dont worry though - I will look after Australia's interest's
on Jun 10, 2004
What will you do for the families? Students? Our Health system? What about the environment? and most importantly what can you do for the couch potatoes who want to see more Australian made content on their televisions???
on Jun 11, 2004
my cats breath smells like cat food!
on Jun 11, 2004
Very mature and well thought out response Mr Wannabe PM
on Jun 11, 2004
I think the headline is misleading. What Armitage seemed to be saying is that the US wouldn't neccessarily agree to whatever terms of "alliance" Australia wanted.
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