Published on June 10, 2004 By trina_p In Blogging
Disclaimer ** Please disreguard all grammatical and spelling errors and all ramblings of gibberish nonsense -- the author was under the influence of sleep deprevation and can not be held responsible for what her alto eo writes ewhile she is alseeo***

It was really eerriee before -- it was about 7pm here and from about before then until I gave up and went and watched CHarmed at 7:30pm there were NO posts and no forum posts either.

For AGES the last post was "the conclusion to the greatest story ever told" which was something about dragon ball z being released on dvd -- I think sorry I'm tired
and the last forum post was lttle whips kerry half assed or devout -- which is the current top forum post thingie but I can tell their have been posts since then because of the ones underneath it

but for like 45minutes or more there was NO action on Joeuser -- I was here looking around - and I didn't post either - therefore contributing to the silence -- but I found it weird.

I think maybe it was late and ya'll were in bed -- and in the case of the Aussies you were all eating dinner.

It was definitely weird -- but I'm glad to see it's thriving again

I think I come here too much -- a friend asked me what I did today and everything I told him had to do with Joeuser -- granted wayne uses joeuser too so it's almost relevant but it does make me look like I don't have a life.

And I do!!! I do laundry, and wash-up, tidy the house, play with the baby, feed the baby, make bottles, watch tv, read and spend alot of time on Joeuser -- *sigh* I really do have no life.

***Sorry please refer to disclaimer

on Jun 10, 2004
oh gosh that really was bad -- I'm definitely going to bed now.

what happened to the days when I could sit up talking online until 2am every morning and still get up and go to work at 8am -- oh that's right - I got old and had a child.
on Jun 10, 2004
Yeah! You're so old that I don't know why I didn't buy you a walking stick for your birthday! Either that or one of those 'Ye-olde-skool' two-wheeled pull-along shopping trolleys with matching scarf.

Would you mind leaving your geek gear to me when you die?
(Then I could blog from any room in the house!)
on Jun 10, 2004
Hold iittttttt!

If you're old... I must be.... dead.