of a 6 month old
Published on June 2, 2004 By trina_p In Home & Family
Jamie Burnside said in one of his posts that his baby Kenny is transfixed by the American Idol themesong - well for ours (among others) its Wheel of Fortune - the whole show.
Elana has always liked the tv (Nick refers to it as her brother) since she was a few days old and she was watching the cricket. I'm not kidding - one day we were over at Kim & Val's and Elana was crying she was about 2weeks? anyway Val turned on the tv because I told her Elana likes cricket and she noticed and stopped and turned towards the screen.
And from day one she's also like Wheel of Fortune - it's getting to the point where she knows its on - the tv will be off and it will be just before 5pm and she'll start getting stroppy and you try to find out what's up - not wet, not hungry etc look at the time turn on the tv and she's instantly transfixed and quiet.
I have this great photo of Elana sitting on the couch watching Wheel.

Now Elana LOVES to talk and she's SOOOO loud!!!!!! She babbles incoherently yes and its very funny but she builds it up awahwabah awhabahwahahaba AHWABAHWABA -- (imagine i wrote the first in size 10 then 12 then 14 and move all the way up to 72!! ).
And she loves to talk over you (just try and get a word in edgewise) and the tv (especially at 2pm during Blue Heelers) - oh but don't try and talk to her, feed her pick her up or acknowledge her in general when she's watching Wheel of Fortune you will just be ignored.
Yesterday Nick was feeding her - it was about quarter past 5 - she just wasn't interested and everytime he stopped (elana's developed this annoying habit of chewing the teat instead of sucking it) she would turn her head to watch Wheel of Fortune. Even when he moved to the couch beside/hind the tv she was craning her neck to see - and Nick says I"M obsessed.

Ok so between 5&5:30pm you can only talk during ads unless its the one for snack pasta with the jr/sr song move your body song - for some reason she likes that song. or ad - not sure which.

Another strange thing she does --and I've mentioned this before is take her link of chains to bed with her when she goes down for afternoon naps but she will always remove the yellow ones - what is with that?

Oh and she's decided she hates going to bed - she will gladly go back to bed between 8 & 9am if she's been up since 6 or before - no fuss - lie her down in the cot she turns her head to the right and is asleep before you leave the room.
But she will absolutely flat out refuse scream blue murder for 10minutes then turn her head to the right and go to sleep when you put her back down after her 10am bottle (12pm usually) after her 1pm bottle (2:30) and especially after her 530ishpm bottle(6:30-7) -- it doesn't bother me too much but Nick doesn't like to hear her cry and gets really stressed at bedtime. Poor guy

FYi - we wake her about 9/10 give her a last bottle - and she goes right back to sleep no problems

Last Saturday it was like she almost had a phobia to sleeping in her cot - she would cry and shake everytime we put her down - she fell asleep in nicks arms for the first time in months and when he went to put her down on her mat not the cot she woke up and cried some more.
Which reminds me of the first couple of months after she was born. When Elana was about a month old she decided that she coupld only sleep in her cot between the hours of 11pm and 11am - the rest of the time she had to be held and at the time it was easier then arguing with her. I'm not sure how she stopped but sometime before we moved she wasn't needing to be held as much - she was even falling asleep under the fish (another thing she hasn't done for weeks now - fallen asleep while playing on the mat)

Another weird thing she does (ok not weird funny/annoying) is grab onto everything to see if she can pull them off - lockets, zippers, shirt collars wrist watches, rings, earings, hair, glasses, the book your reading, the laptop (she loves laptops trys to tpe too- is in absolute heaven when sitting on daddy's lap and banging on his laptop -- oh and we have to great photo of her reading a LINUX book of all things)
the other day she was lying on me while I was reading and she was trying to pull off my locket but I took it off her so she went to gum on my shirt instead - she picked up my collar and held it while she sucked her fist and my shirt.

She loves mirrors - whenever she's upset or just waking up we walk past the bathroom mirror and she looks at the baby and dishevelled mummy and grins.

OH and forget crawling - Elana's determined to walk - she sits on her bottom and rocks with her arms in the air and when you go over to her she grabs your hands and pulls herself up to stand and starts jumping around -- I keep trying to tell her she's Australian not a mexican (jumping bean -- no derogetry meanings)
She loves jumping and bouncing up down up down - she thinks its a game.

Oh and her other favourite game is pulling out her dummy dropping it beside her picking it up and putting it back in. It's very funny to watch - and yesterday she dropped it behind the stacker toy and she knew it was there but she couldn't get to it - at this stage I was walking Nick to the door -- when I came back to the mat Elana was holding the stacker in her hands and she put it down in front of her then she picked up her dummy and put it in her mouth.

But my favourite thing is the look of pure joy she gets on her face when Daddy comes home from work. She'd even look up (albeit briefly) from wheel of fortune. Nick gets Elana up in the morning before he goes to work he always says "have a good day little girl" and she always beams with confusion. Periodically throughout the day she will look down the hallway expectently then look at me and frown. But come 5:30-6pm when the door opens and Elana looks down the hallway the look on her face - Nick will go over to where she's playing and say "hey little girl did you have agood day" and she'll get this look like "who? OH DAD *HUGE GRIN* then smile kick legs and laugh - hi dad"

Gosh I Love Her!!

on Jun 02, 2004
I have to ask.... What is a dummy?
on Jun 02, 2004

What is a dummy?

A pacifier.

on Jun 02, 2004
Ain't kids cool? *sigh*
on Jun 03, 2004
elana is without a doubt the rockingest baby i know. she's smart too... you can just tell... i bet she's going to end up winning a nobel physics prize someday or something.
on Jun 03, 2004

All parents are supposed to think the same things about their kids.  She's yours and you love her to pieces so why wouldn't you think whe was the most brilliant creature to grace the planet?!

She sounds like she does a lot of the weird, fascinating things that my kids did at that age.  She sounds pretty normal to me.  I guess that might sound like bad news if you are expecting her to win a nobel prize but it was meant as a compliment.

My youngest has 3 pacifiers (dummys) and he knows where all of them are.  People keep advising me to get rid of them as he loses them (as if I don't know how to deal with this subject after already going through it with my older son) but he never loses them.

It is always a treat to hear people enjoying their little ones so much.

Best wishes.

on Jun 03, 2004
Awwww she sounds adorable! They all seem to have these little things that they do! I've taught Maddy a trick (like she's my pet), she has this giraffe, who we've names raffy (witty huh!) and when you shake him up and down he makes a noise, and Maddy giigles with delight when she hears this. So I've taught her to bash raffy, hehe! I'm a bad influence, but everytime I say it to her, she beat him up, and he squeaks and she loves it! I'm so proud, hehe!