Published on May 5, 2004 By trina_p In Blogging
I was just visiting the blogs of the people I always drop by on a regular basis as opposed to ones I visit beause they write catching subject titles and I noticed that MY blog was a favourite of someone else - not tegan - but Jamie Burnside - so thankyou Jamie I'm honoured!!!
And I feel loved! You've made my Thursday

on May 05, 2004
That's 'cuz I read your weblog.
on May 05, 2004
You're on my 'blogs i like' list as well.
on May 05, 2004
Yes I just noticed that two seconds ago as I was leaving your blog site. Thankyou Dharma

I'm flabbergastered by this you must realise!
on May 05, 2004
No need for thanks..I like what you write, so I added you!