My baby's getting BIG!!
Published on May 5, 2004 By trina_p In Home & Family

Today's the 6th of May (at least here in Aus it is) My baby girl is 5 months old today. I can't believe it it's just gone so fast. Last night when after Nick woke her and gave her a bottle and gave her too me to put her back in bed I nearly feel over - I could have sworn that she'd grown and put on another kilo while she was sleeping she just felt so big and heavy - I mean heavier then what she was when I put her in bed like 3hours earlier.

Nick laughed at me but he said that he's noticed that she seems to have grown up alot in the last week. She's kinda understanding more and trying to have conversations. She yells to grab our attention - calls out rather then cries. She protests that she's not happy - like when we put her down ause we see the tired signs and she cries until shes picked up again and after shes been picked up she looks at you and yells with this frown sort of like "see I told you I wasn't tired - silly Mummy!"

She's manipulating us we've decided - and boy does she know which buttons to push. NO I don't want you to put me down on the mat, what? Oh you're in the kitchen making my bottle okay well I guess I can live with that I'll be quite now but I'm watching you. Hey where are we going? You're not putting me in bed are you? Oh my nappy right carry on. Oh you're putting me in the pram? We're going for a walk oh shops yes I like those okay lets go No I will not go to sleep oh what are you doing patting me get off oh okay I'll just close my eyes for just a minute *sigh*

She knows what she's doing I'm sure of it - everytime I walk away and she yells and then I go bak and she grins and blows a rasberry at me I'm sure she knows what she's doing.
She's so cute!

But 5months - soon six and solids and walking and talking for real oh they grow up so fast. The other day she was sitting on Nick's lap - he was sitting cross -legged on the floor and she was rocking herself bakwards and forwards and then all of a sudden on the forward rock she must have decided right I'm outta here because she stood up and fell forward - Nick had her she wasn't going to fall but it was a big shock.

Unfortunately Nick was an early walker - 7months by 8 he was running everywhere (I say unfortunately for me - it's nice putting the baby down somewhere going into the kitchen and coming back a few minutes later to see that she hasn't moved! - It's quite scary to see that she's done a complete 180 degree turn while one her back)

Oh well - she hasnt quite mastered the whole rolling over thing - she'll lift her butt up and roll to the side but then will roll back instead of over - until then I think we're safe.

Meanwhile Happy 5th Month Lana-Banana (Elana)

on May 05, 2004

Our babies are about the same age.  Our little guy is about to turn six months-old.  He was born on November 12.

So it seems that there is less than a month between them.

That's cool.

on May 05, 2004
Yeah I went looking for your birth announcement a few days ago when I saw your "Baby getting Bigger" blog and you mentioned he was 5months - Elana was the 6th of December but she was due 11th December (or the 4th depending on what date and doctor you go by)
on May 05, 2004
Wow, she's really coming along, isn't she?  I love babies...especially when they're starting to sit up and take an interest in what's going on.
on Jun 23, 2004
thats soo cute