grade 9 - it hasn't really gotten any better
Published on June 24, 2004 By trina_p In
Grade 9 (14) was a HUGE year for me - continuing on with the girly fights, grade 9 also saw the court-case, and my grandma dying so I wrote lots of poems

Unloved & Unfaithful were basically the same - as you can see with different endings - I wrote them on a bus one morning - can't remember why. As far as I'm aware neither of my parents have ever had an affair and they've been married 27years

I don't know anyone who's been a victim of domestic violence - I just watch alot of tv and read newspapers -- most of the poems here were written in Social Science.

Don't you think I'm worth it to know just what you said
To know that what you said was true the day that we were wed
And don't you think I deserve to have what all wives crave
All the love and attention and for her husband to behave

Don't you think I'm worth it to know just what you said
To know that what you said was true the day that we were wed
And don't you think I deserve to love, attention and
more since the day when we just met

Everybody's talking about that terrible day
When that girl was murdered in a mortifying way
The case was solved
When the weapon involved
Was found to be
A cup of tea
Which proved to be
The missing key
And now they know the murderer of me.

She loves him oh so much
just waiting for his next touch
but she's not wanting it to be told
That he's just knocked her right out cold

I've seen him do that every night
I wish that I could set him right
He's making her life a living hell
I just hope my mum gets well

My life was nothing
Until you came
You gave me life
And kept me safe

I really wish
That I could say
How much you meant
And how i should pay

You back for all
Your kind deeds
You are my mother
You're who I need

What can I say except I love you
What can i say except I love you

She will never get to pick a rose
Or smell it with her button nose
She may never hear her mother sing
Or see the blue bird on the wing

She won't get to see her father's face
Nor sing and dance with style and grace
Because of that fateful night
Which caused her sister such a fright

What happened that night we'll never know
Because she's burried six feet below.

Funeral (this one has always been my favourite. I wrote it while I was being yelled at by this girl and all I was thinking as yeah)
Give it a rest and shut your mouth
Can't you see she's hurting enough
The last bell has tolled
Her heart has just stopped
So leave her alone and
Quit acting tough

Nobody liked her as we can see
Nobody was with her except you and me
She had no friends except you and I
She had no family it makes me cry

All who hated he hated her until the end
all except me because she was my friend

(I envisioned a girl who waspicked on my everybody who died and only 2 people came to her funeral - one of her tormentors and the person who never stood up for her while she was alive)

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