Published on September 20, 2004 By trina_p In Blogging
It is 8:33am - Elana is sitting in a Breville Breadmaker box with some of her toys and I'm almost asleep.

You see Elana refused to have a nap at anytime yesterday so she fell asleep on her bottle at 6pm last night - she drank half of it stopped drinking and rolled over (in her sleep) -- we put her to be about 6:45pm (her bedtime is 7pm)
Last night I watched the Emmy Awards and the special on Channel 9 (I flicked) and was intending to watch some if not all of the Brownlow Medal awards. But I turned the tv off instead. I didn't fall asleep very easily - it must have taken at least an hour. (possums on the roof, Nick snoring)
About 3:45am (I found out later) Elana was crying - Nick woke me because the baby was crying - I went in picked her up in case she needed to burp, tucked her back in and turned on her music telling her it was too early to get up. She didn't go back to sleep and neither did I. She talked and whimpered - no actually crying -- and then the possums on the roof got into a fight - either with another possum or one of next doors cats - I really don't know - I just know it was loud and noisy - they're banging on our roof and howling (or whatever they do) at each other at 4am.
Eventually they stop and I think Elana is asleep - I know Nick is (snoring) and sometime after the sun starts to come up I fall asleep. Next door always goes somewhere (work I guess) in a loud 4wheel drive about 5am every morning - the worst times are when a cat, or a storm or something sets off their car alarm - our bedroom is right next to their garage - its BAD!!!

I found myself dreaming about people I knew in highschool - in particular my old english teacher - this was when Nick brought the baby out to wake me up. 630am I wake up being poked and crawled over and Nick saying wake up mummy Elana - oh its not working she's hiding where'd she go.

It's 8:41am - Elana is still in her box - she's been sitting in that box off an on all morning - she seems to be loving it - I'm very tempted to leave her playing in the box while I curl up and nap on the couch.

Perhaps she'll have a sleep in her crib??

Very very very tired!!!!!

on Sep 20, 2004
The joys of mother hood.....

Could you put her in the crib with a few toys and take a nap?
on Sep 20, 2004
I had a nap when she did this morning - I slept (rem) from just after 9am until 10:30am -- then I got up washed my face got Elana's pears we played for a bit (see next article) and now she's having a nap (YES!!!!!!!!!!) and I'm watching Oprah