Published on December 5, 2006 By trina_p In Life Journals
Happy Birthday Elana Grace!

My baby is three today.

Elana Grace P came into the world at 1:21am on Saturday 6th December 2003. She weighed 3600 grams or 7 pounds 15 ounces, was 50cm long with a 35cm head circumference.
She had the cord wrapped around her neck twice but had really good apgar scores and the doctors weren't worried because they didn't tell me (and Nick didn't either) I read it on my chart two days later.

For about 20days she's been counting down to this day "Birthday on the 6th!" "Three years old" "Three on the 6th"
Then last night as we were putting her to bed she was like "No birthday, no party! Just cafe with mummy"

She got up this morning and walked down the stairs and she saw the house which Nick put together last night and she was running around looking for something to play in it with.
So we encouraged her to open something and she picked the box that had the Kelly doll.
The first thing she did was put her on the doll size toilet.

(infact she's sitting there now again for like the 4th time this morning)

She opened her Dora t-shirt next, then the house furniture, then Dora pyjama's, then the Barbie (nursery with baby), then a playschool dvd (she picked up the wrapped package and said "It's a DBD")
Then last the Ken doll. It was a Beach fun Blain which I bought jeans, shirt & shoes for so he was actually clothed and not long after opening it she wanted me to put the boardies & t-shirt back on him.

She's been having so much fun.

Nick's family phoned this morning and they all said Happy Birthday and asked her what she got and she'd point and say "These ones" expecting everyone to know what she was on about.

Today we're having a party at Breathing Space with 5 of her friends (was 7 but 2 can't come now) and then home for a rest, then my mum/sister are coming, then another rest then on to Gran's (Nick's family) for dinner.

Last night Rin & I made a Dora cake.

We bought 2 round sponges & two square sponges from Woolies and made 4 kinds of icing.
Betty Crocker Milk frosting for the hair.
Butter icing for the face
Chocolate butter icing for the highlights/outline (& facial features)
and pink butter icing for her name.

We made Dora's head and then put a pink bar name plate underneath ELANA in chocolate icing.

I'm so excited because it actually does look like Dora. I copied one of Elana's puzzles and I actually got the eyes and mouth the correct shape.

***I was writing this before I left but had to stop midway so I'll tell about the party.

We went to a Cafe for her party - Breathing Space.

We had five children from playgroup plus Elana. And they did everything. We arrived and there was a decorated table with balloons and hats and party bags. (smarties, balloon, lollypop, stamp)
They went outside for part of it (train tables, sandpits, ride on cars) and came in for lunch (sandwich, milk/juice, yoghurt, cheese stick, sultanas) and then came in again later for cake.
We decided since there were only six kids we'd just cut the name - Elana got the E and the rest was divided.

Elana tells me she really liked her party and that she had fun so that's good.

Right now she's "resting" - she's laying on the couch watching playschool before Nanna & Auntie Debbie come over.

I can't believe I have a Three Year Old!!

on Dec 05, 2006
This is wonderful! Happy Birthday to her! Dora and Barbie uh?! Every little girl's dream! Congrats on the cake, you brave mom. I'm not good at the baking so I always order mine. That's great she was able to have a party.